Váli is a son of Odin and a brother to Baldur and Thor. His role and function is primarily associated with the death of Baldur and his seeking for revenge by killing Höðr.
What is the myth of Váli?
He is likewise said to be among the very few who will survive Ragnarök. This is attested in the Gylfaginning which mentions that he and his brothers are going to survive the coming battle.
In the Völuspá, we learn that:
'There formed from that stem,
which was slender-seeming,
a shaft of anguish, perilous:
Hǫðr started shooting.
A brother of Baldr
was born quickly:
he started – Óðinn's son –
slaying, at one night old.'
(Ursula Dronke, 2001).
About the author Jacqueline Fatica
The Wicked Griffin is my heartfelt venture, where I pour my creativity into crafting jewelry that not only stands out but also embodies the essence of nature, the allure of Runes, and the profound narratives of European history.
Every piece is designed to be a symbol of personal expression, carefully woven with my passion for the natural world and a unique artistic vision.
Additionally, the Wicked Griffin blog is a cherished space where I share the enchanting inspirations behind the jewelry and the captivating myths from European folklore, inviting you into a realm where artistry and legend converge.
👉 I don't mind usage of my images so long as credit to The Wicked Griffin is given and provide links when possible 😉