The Tiwaz Rune derives from Proto Germanic Tîwaz, Proto Norse tīwaʀ and quite possibly Proto-Indo-European deiwós which means celestial being and “to shine”.
Tiwaz is tied to the God Tyr. The Lindholm Amulet from the 2-4th Century dates back to the late Roman Iron Age and was found in southern Sweden and might be an invocation to the God Tyr. He is a God of justice and law. Tyr might have been older than both Odin and more important to the Germanic people before the migration period.
There’s different variants of Tyr including Zies/Cyo and according to a brief notation to the Old High German Wessobrunn Prayer, the Alemannic people worshipped their God Cyo in Ciesburc, which later was known as Augusta Vindelicorum under the Roman Empire and is nowadays Augsburg, – my place of birth and hometown.
Tiwaz is associated with warfare and the sky. He widely known before the migration period and is of Indo-European origin, where he was known as dyēus, which might have been an ancient sky-deity. Tiwaz is a protector of people, of justice and bravery.