From Proto Germanic Haǥalaz and is associated with “hail”. The High German word “Hagel”, Old Norse “hagl” and also Old English hæġl stem from this word.
Hagalaz is associated with hail and destruction, destructive powers of nature, that are often necessary in order to build the new, healthy and to grow. The universe was created out of fire and ice and are polar forces in this creation.
Hagalaz is also associated with the Underworld of Hel, Helheimr. There, transformation takes place. The Underworld can be found in many shamanistic and animistic cultures around the world.
From the Maya, where it’s called Xibalba to the Egyptian Duat. The seeds of new life are often born through darkness and destruction.
Hagalaz is a mysterious Rune that can mean many things, in Norse Mythology there’s no destruction without rebirth. The pagan worldview is cyclic and not linear.