Ansuz is a reconstruction from Proto Norse ą̄suʀ and Old Norse Oss. Ansuz is associated with Woden, the God of the Æsir, or the female members of the tribe: ásynjur.
Ansuz is deriving from Proto-Indo-European hems. Ansuz is the spirit, life-force and authority. There’s two main deity-tribes in Norse Mythology. The Æsir live in Asgard, a very high realm on the shamanic Axis Mundi called Yggdrasil. Odin, Frigg, Tyr, Loki, Thor, BalduR belong to that tribe. The other tribe would be called Vanir.
The Vanir and Æsir often wage war against each other until they became unified. It is often said that the Æsir are often warrior type of Gods and the Vanir are related to nature and the animistic side of norse Mythology, where everything in the Unived and in nature contained “megin”, a force and spirit. However, it is difficult to divide the norse deities in two different categories as it is speculated that many of the Æsir derive from Indo-European fertility and nature Gods.
The Prose Edda refers to all of the norse Gods as Æsir. Tyr is associated with the Sky and also with war. The reason why there seems to be different functions for the Gods might be very old and might go back to Proto-Indo-European myths, but that is for the most part speculation. Generally speaking, norse Mythology percieves everything in nature and the Gods related to it as divine and powerful.
Some Gods became more popular and important over time than others, for example research shows that Tyr might have actually been the earliest Chief, as Tyr got replaced by Woden (Odin) at a later time after the Migration period. Ansuz is life and might be connected to the animistic nature of the Norse worldview. Ansuz thus might refer to all the Gods in general, or the Authority, power and life-force of Odin and his tribe.