It's usually the rural population that maintain their connection to old tales, fairy tales and customs...
And there’s indeed some insights into pre-christian beliefs every now and then. I was born in the state of Bavaria and Bavaria has some interesting traditions. Traditions like the Krampuslauf, Perchtenlauf, Klausentreiben and all the tales about the Rauhnacht (The Rough-nights of Wotan’s Wild Hunt, lead by Berchta, Wotan and his Army of spirits) seem to be pagan in origin.
Krampus is not a demon or a devil. He’s a nature spirit, that is very obvious when looking at the symbolism and mythology behind it.

His “job” is to bring back fertility and potency back into nature – when everything is frozen and white in the Alps of Europe. Perchta, Holda, Berchta, Frau Holle, she has so many names. And her fairy tales are most dear to me. My own Grandmother told me her tales when I was a little kid. Of her clouds and the pillows that she squeezes, and when she does so, it will start snowing. Research points to the fact that she might be actually a Mother-Goddess that might go back to the Neolithic. Since a few years, I percieve her as somewhat close to the Hindu Maha Kali, but that is just my speculation.
Krampus, Perchten...
They symbolize the seasons of nature, fertility cults and and potent forces of nature. They offer insight into an animistic universe, of a mindset that seems almost foreign to modern society. Krampus with his hazel rod might be related to Donar, the norse Thor.
I find the constant use of goat-masks very insightful as I can see similarities to both the Celtic Cernunnos and the Greek Pan. We have tales about Frau Holle and Berchta, both are one and the same. My research has led me to the suggestion that the Maibaum, the tree we hang up every May, is or might be related to the Irminsul.
The Axis Mundi world-pillar is a deeply shamanic concept, we can find it in Finno-Ugric cultures such as the Mari El people of Russia, many Siberian tribes and even Native American people such as the Tlingit culture of the Pacific Northwest.
There’s another tradition called “Funkenfeuer” which takes place in southern Bavaria and seems to be of Germanic-Allemanic origin. Basically, the sparks of the fire are a symbol of potency, and the sexual fertility powers of nature within us and within nature.
There’s another tradition, where they burn the fungus called Zunderschwamm when it catches fire, it produces large amounts of sparks. The sparks are flying up high in the sky when its dark outside. It’s a tradition connected to spring and the arrival of warmer temperatures.

A new scientific study points out what I believe many people have always felt: That fairy tales are not just made up tales but they indeed offer insights into the pre-christian mind and spirit. They offer insight into a world long gone, and the tale itself called Märchen in High German (Mär = message)
A recent study concludes that many fairy tales are more than 1 000 years old. Please read here for the study.
Many of these tales are of Indo-European origin and are way older than what was expected.
Some tales are up to 5 000 years old and older. In Austria and Bavaria, there are many, many local tales in many rural villages and I am sure that where you are from, there are as well. Imagine all the pre-christian symbolism and what if we could understand all the mythology within them? Most of the tales were written down by Jacob Grimm and for quite some time, it was thought that they are nothing more than Entertainment for kids. Well, obviously it is more complex than just that.
I believe it’s up to us. If we feel this fascination, we must do scientific research. We must study all these local cultures, tales and traditions and look very deep into them, then we can come closer to an understanding of what Paganism might have been. I don’t believe in easy, fast-foward answers, especially not when it comes to Paganism. It’s too complex. It’s up to us to compile information, write it down and share it. No matter where you are from.