You are why I do what I do
How you helped The Wicked Griffin become reality

I am thrilled that everyone who wears The Wicked Griffin knows they are getting an authentically handcrafted piece of jewelry worthy enough to satiate their own individuality.
-Jacqueline Fatica
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I am Jacqueline, the one-woman power behind the The Wicked Griffin. I was born into an Italian-American family from Cleveland, Ohio (from Abruzzo, Italy) and have had a long fascination for the Runes, European History and Jewelry making since my later childhood. I didn’t find any personalized Rune jewelry back then, so I started to craft my own and put all my visions and inspiration that I gain from nature itself, into my jewelry.
Hiking in foggy woods, mushroom hunting with my daughter and my husband give me plenty of inspiration for everything you can find here at The Wicked Griffin. If my Jewelry makes you happy, then I feel like I’ve fulfilled my innermost need in what I want to express. Working on my passion which has become The Wicked Griffin, I dedicate 100% of my creativity and pure love into the making of our handcrafted jewelry that wants to invoke, inspire and remind us that we, too, are part of nature.
As of 2022 I am now helping other handmade artists to grow their businesses on my new website, Marketing and Heart!
I am Kevin, husband of Jacqueline and the content creator & analytical brain behind The Wicked Griffin. I was born in Augsburg, Bavaria, Germany and have lived there until I was at the age of 25. I met my now wife back then and decided to immigrate to the USA in 2014 in order to live with Jacqueline.
I write a lot of content, articles and bring many new ideas to the Wicked Griffin. Growing up in rural Bavaria, I’ve seen plenty of Europe, from hiking in the Alps, seeing the Perchtenlauf with my Grandmother, to exploring old Keltenschanzen, Celtic sites, and going on a road trips to Austria, France, Spain, and Italy with my family in order to see old Caves with Cave Paintings and going hiking around the Alps. This all sparked my interest. I put a lot of my passion and time into researching the history of Bavarian-Swabia and traditional pre-christian cultures overall.
Within the last years, I’ve noticed a huge rise in people being interested in Paganism. Traditional shamanic cultures from around the world I find the most fascinating and inspiring, as I believe that this way of life was once shared on the European continent as well. European Paganism does originate from Paleolithic hunter-gatherers and Neolithic farmers. This shamanic worldview can be found in many European Myths and in traditional cultures around the world. It stems from an ancient Spirituality connected to the elements and powers of nature. These Myths can be found in Europe, Eurasia, Asia, Africa, the Americas, Australia: On every continent you will find the tales of ancient tribes. We are part of nature! With my work and Articles, I’d like to share information, inspire and put more focus on the cultures that still hold onto these beliefs.
Besides all this, I am your typical outdoors-man. I have a big fascination for self sufficient lifestyles, hobby farming and learning from nature itself. Nature is my biggest inspiration and teacher.