The term raiđō is a Proto Germanic term for “ride or journey”. We can find the term in Proto Norse where it’s called raiđu and Old English rād which is related to High German “das Rad”.
We know that from Old Saxon, Old Norwegian and Old Icelandic Rune poems that the Rune has had the same name and was associated with journey, horses and traveling abroad.
In the Anglo Saxon Rune poem it talks about the bravery of the traveller and the bravery it takes to travel. Travelling often requires courage as it is a journey into the unknown where we often face challenges, opportunities and have to overcome struggles.
Thus, Raidho can be associated with travel. It can mean a life-changing transition, or a look inwards, where we face our own inner darkness and just like Odin, have to overcome it in order to reach a deeper sense of understanding.